Tuesday, May 29, 2007


What is your purpose in life? Do we have a purpose in life? Is there really a reason why we are on this earth?

Some people say it's to live life to the fullest, have fun, party, be adventurous. Some say it's to travel the world and discover new uncharted territories. Some say it's to live a good life and do more good than harm. Others say it's to live life to honor and glorify the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. To share the love they have in Christ to others and love others as Christ loved us.

What is your passion? What makes you tick? Where do you see yourself in 5, 10 years? When you die, what will you have to show for yourself? Will you leave a legacy for your children? Will you leave a trail of kindness wherever you go?

I have a passion, and that is Africa. I feel as though no one can go on living the life they have set for themselves after they see and understand what is going on in africa. How can Americans live their lives in their bubble of wealth, medocricy, and selfishness? Maybe your calling is not to drop everything and fly to Africa, but what are we doing to reach out to the community we live in? How can we say that we are followers of Christ when we are in our comfortable cacoon, reading about the terrors of the world but doing nothing to stop them? How can we rationalize our actions?

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