Summer. It's a beautiful thing. These past few weeks, the Lord has blessed me beyond compare. 3 weeks ago I was working at Crowell desk, just answering phone calls, doing the same old stuff, and I got a phone call from a nice woman asking if there would be a Moody student willing to stay at her apartment and take care of her pets while she went on vacation for a month. Least to say, I took up the offer! Long story short, I have been living it up the last week in a gorgeous 3-bedroom apartment in the Gold Coast on the 22nd floor of a posh high rise. I can see the whole city from the apartment and can see the sun rise over the lake in the morning. On top of all that, she has a car that she wants me to drive and I have been out and about the city in a 2-seater convertible Mercedes Benz!!
Thank you Lord for these extravagances. I undoubtedly do not deserve them, but I will enjoy them while they last!
Party at my place!
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