Sunday, June 29, 2008

Meaningless Circles

Today all I wanted was to lounge around and watch a movie. I did not want to do anything remotely resembling work. I did not want to do my quiet time. I did not want to think about anything but myself. But something was telling me, open your Bible, you numb-scull! So I went outside to a nearby outdoor cafe, and opened my Bible. I nonchalantly opened to Joshua. I have no clue why I did, but something was drawing me to the Old Testament. (That "something" of course was the Holy Spirit) I read the story of Joshua and the battle of Jericho. I have read that story a million times. I have heard it preached on a million and one times. But something stuck out to me today. The Israelites were commanded to march around the city, not once, but SEVEN times for SEVEN days! And they weren't even allowed to utter one battle cry. If I was there, I would have wanted to scream and shout all day long just to make sure those enemies knew we were there... and it probably would have made that seven circle task a little more interesting. But they were commanded to wait. But in the end, they were allowed to scream all they want and the walls just came a tumblin down!

How many times in my life do I want to just grab life by the horns and make it happen? I want to move to Africa right NOW. But I can't. God has me in this "meaningless circling" called school for another two years and then he will usher in his bigger purposes for my life.

Sometimes He will teach you something when you least expect it.... listen to Him....

1 comment:

Sandi Sonteya said...

I like the title of you blog. It is true we want to do things our way on our times and at times we think Gods ways are meaningless. What he commanded Joshua to do might have seem meaningless and boring but it was His way. That is a good reminder hering the Lord and obeying His command.